That’s one of the reasons why drywall is the most preferred option.

It’s hard to find professionals competent to do the job.Plaster veneer is way more expensive than plaster or drywall, simply because you’ll need more materials for the installation process.It’s made of sand, water, binding material (lime or gypsum) and cement. Stucco is a type of cement plaster that can be used on exterior walls.
You’ll need to apply two coats of plaster to ensure full coverage. Plaster is a powdered mixture that you’ll need to mix with water to create a paste before applying on the walls. Plaster is used as a protective cover over stone and brick masonry, but it can also be used for creating finish looks. It’s a white material which hardens when drying and it’s mostly used for covering ceilings and walls. Plastering is one of the oldest building techniques. What is the difference between drywall and plaster Before making a decision, make sure to understand what is the difference between the two materials and consider their pros and cons. Both materials have strengths and weaknesses and come in different price ranges. Choosing between plaster and drywall is a decision that every homeowner should make before starting an indoor renovation project.